You are supposed to pick the fourth file in your photo's.... and then the fourth photo in the file, post it, then talk about that picture.
So here is mine......
Scott is holding Tripp on the couch, so I can feed him rice cereal (which he hates.) He has up graded to YUMMY baby food and his high chair. He loves it!! His favorites so far are sweet potatoes, carrots, and green beans. He is going to get FAT and I can't wait. I love his chubby cheeks!!:)
I tag Kerra babes, Misty Baba, Malea, and Ashlee Alex:) get on it!!
Try a rice bottle then he might like it? He is soooo dang cute and getting so big!
How cute is he. Jazzie never did the rice cereal either, and I had a hard time with baby food, and still do. So I feed her tons of table food...She's my picky one.
About your comment: I was thinking about selling the dresses too, they sell on ebay for $50-$100, especially since it's Halloween.
How cute...You'll have to post lots of pics of your kiddies and their costumes, so I can see.
I miss St George, too bad we never hung out. When I come to visit, a girls dinner is a must!!!
Oh how cute!! I loved that with Gage. His fav was mixing his sweet tators into his cereal. I miss those moments right now. How weird am I! See at 11. I ripped my nails off so its gonna be a full set instead of a backfill sorry!
He is getting so chubby and freakin cute! I need to come get my nails done they look horrible!
What... I don't have a fourth file or whatever that means? I will be calling you. p.s. it doesn't get much better then the Trippster grubbin his yummies on the couch!
Ha, that is great! I don't want to know what is the fourth picture in my file! That is so cute. I love seeing babes with the daddy! Hey where are you going on vacation? I saw your little counter! I want to go! Ugh
ha ha thats awesome she looked amazing i love it!
Colt is not a fan of rice cereal either--he just spits it back out at me. At least your baby will eat his veggies, what a good boy!
I love tripp! K i am officially baby hungry!! He seriously so cute. It makes me need another one!
Sexy mama cruise picture!! Wish we were cruisin' too. Rick needs a serious vacation.
savannah- we are going to San Deigo..taking the kids to Sea World:) over uea break!
Oh I love when babies are so chubby...feed him....chub him up! Too cute. And about me being ready for another baby...not yet says my hubby. I am getting a little baby hungry, but I think I can wait a little longer!
Scott always has that look on his face! haha tell him to change it up a bit.
Hey...tell me if you can see my pic's now?
Hey Melanie (it's Andrea Ross) the girl you ran in to the other night at Wal Mart. That was so weird how we swore that we knew each other. I am sure looking at your friends list, we have prob been around the same people hanging out or something! We know a lot of the same girls!
Anyways, you said to leave a comment the next time I found your blog, so I am! (I linked to you through Lindsey Terry)
Anywyas, I am private, but I can add you. just e-mail me
bigg boy tripp is soo cute eatin like a BIGG BOYY !!! he's growing up too fast. scott is just chillin as usual hee hee. im not sure wut you mean im tagged & about my fourth file ??? HELP! YOU'LL HAVE TO EXPLAIN SO I KNOW WUT TO DO.k!
I love their breath too! haha yeah for sure you need to bring the girls over!
Hey I joined the blogging world. Lets see if I can keep up with it once my sister leaves. Check it out.
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